Christmas Card Count
I picked up this Christmas Card tally from Katherines "Life In Suburbia" blog (too lazy to link - multitasking with kidlet nearby - promise to link later, ma cherie, Katherine).
Number of Christmas Cards mailed: 80+ (can't remember, but around that amount
Number that contain personal greetings: all of them
Number of Christmas Cards still to be mailed: approx. zero - except for those which I receive from people to whom I didn't send. Then I feel horribly guilt and send one right away. So does that make a negative number somewhere?
Number one state: Massachusetts
Number two state: New Hampshire
Random states: Washington, Florida, Illinois
Farthest: Finland, Japan, Canada (well, I guess for New England that doesn't count as far, huh?)
Number of Christmas Cards mailed: 80+ (can't remember, but around that amount
Number that contain personal greetings: all of them
Number of Christmas Cards still to be mailed: approx. zero - except for those which I receive from people to whom I didn't send. Then I feel horribly guilt and send one right away. So does that make a negative number somewhere?
Number one state: Massachusetts
Number two state: New Hampshire
Random states: Washington, Florida, Illinois
Farthest: Finland, Japan, Canada (well, I guess for New England that doesn't count as far, huh?)
Number of Christmas Cards mailed: 78 + a few guilt cards (see below)Number that contain personal greetings: all of them (seriously that was personal, didn't you feel it)
Number of Christmas Cards still to be mailed: 0 (ditto: except for those which I receive from people to whom I didn't send. Then I feel horribly guilt and send one right away.)
Number one state: OR, WI
Number two state: WA, CA
Random states: OK, SC, KY, IL, NY, NC, MO, MN, CT, MA, AZ, MI, IA, Canada (BC to be specific) I think it's a state now
Farthest: Singapore, France
Number of Christmas card received: 37 (we only count the ones with pictures, right? or pajamas?)
hey, I didn't count the 20 Woodchuck sent . . . I don't have to count those do I?
yeah, I make him send his own damn cards -
OK, I did address them . . . but he had to do all the personal note signing stuff -
OK, and he wants me to point out that he did buy the stamps . . . the ones with the snowflakes, per instructions -
ya, and I'm still stuck with eating Tofu...
OK - Thursday brought 7! cards in the "those which I receive from people to whom I didn't send. Then I feel horribly guilt and send one right away" category!
plus, now I can't remember if I sent to those 2 cousins that I got cards from . . . but better thought thrifty (I sent one to their mom) than senile!!!!!
so adjust those numbers above to 85+ sent and now about 48 received . . . and one pair of pajamas ;)
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